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    Policosanol is Useless -Roger Mason

    People keep asking, "what about policosanol?" An article has already been written about this in an earlier newsletter. It has also been covered in my book Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs. Policosanol is a useless fraud sold by crooks.

    We have all the original full text studies right from the journals. There is no valid scientific back-ing for this whatsoever. All the “studies” come from the same pseudo-clinic "National Center for Scientific Research", in that sinkhole communist paradise Cuba. No scientific research comes from Cuba, because they are too poor to eat, much less do real scientific research.

    Most every retail store, catalog, and Internet site sells crap like this. What is policosanol anyway? It is an extract of sugar cane pulp consisting mostly of octacosanol. Octacosanol has been known about for decades now, but has fallen into oblivion. It just doesn't have any biological value or benefits. Beta-sitosterol, on the other hand, is also an extract of sugar cane pulp. Beta-sitosterol has over 40 years of international studies in humans and animals proving it is the MOST effective supplement known for lowering cholesterol. Nothing beats beta-sitosterol for lowering cholester-ol and triglycerides. Better Cholesterol® has 300 mg of beta-sitosterol, 200 mg of beta glucan, and 40 mg of soy isoflavones. Why buy a worthless, unproven supplement, when you can use a proven supplement with four decades of published international studies? Beta-sitosterol is also the most proven effective supplement for prostate health. Beta Prostate® is the most popular prostate supplement in the entire world and has been for over 10 years now.

    If you look at the journal Diabetes Care, (v 18, 1995) you’ll see another Cuban “study”. Again at the pseudo National Center for Scientific Research. The same old pseudo-researchers did the art-icle as always. They claim that 10 mg of policosanol in humans lowered cholesterol by an aver-age of 17.5%. This was done with no change in diet or exercise. None of this is true of course. They made it up; it never happened. There was no study. It doesn’t work, never did, never will.

    Americans have terribly high cholesterol levels generally at about 240. Doctors tell you a level of 200 is "healthy". It is not. You need to get your level way below any 200 level in order to have good heart and artery health. The ideal level is about 150, and rural Asians and Africans com-monly have such levels. (The people in Japanese cities, for example, are so westernized that their cholesterol levels have gone from about 150 to almost 200 .) If you are concerned about your level read my book Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs. DIET is the real key to having a healthy heart and clean arteries. Supplements and hormones are important, but secondary here. Supple-ments are very powerful, especially beta-sitosterol, beta glucan, soy isoflavones, and flax oil.

    Anyone who uses toxic, dangerous statin drugs has a death wish- and will soon get what they wish for. Look at the side effects, included by law with every prescription, and you’ll be appal-led. Every month we find out more about just how harmful they are. Prescription drugs are not the answer at all. Please go read my book and use scientifically proven natural ways to cure your conditions safely, naturally, and inexpensively. A total program of diet and lifestyle will lower your cholesterol and triglycerides. These are the most important CHD marker of all.

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